Bulkhead connector DB3CM-7.62

Through-wall socket, Nominal cross-section: 4 mm2, Colour: green, Rated current: 15 A, Rated voltage (III/2): 400 V, Contact surface: tin, Contact type: Pin connector, Number of potentials: 2-16, Number of rows: 1, Number of digits: 2-16, Connection quantity: 2-16, Series: DB3CM, Pin pitch: 7.62 mm, Wiring method: Slip-on connection technology Mounting: direct mounting, Number of pins per potential: 1, Insertion system: COMBICON DB3CM, Pin connector style alignment: standard, Interlocking: without, Mounting: without, Packaging type: carton


☑ Space-saving standard slide-in connection for worldwide use
☑ The cable connection is located inside the unit, so the feedthrough connection can be positioned freely
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    Technical data-UL/CUL


    等级 Use Group
    B C D
    额定电压 Rate Voltage [V]
    300 300 300
    额定电流 Rated Current [A]
    30 30 10
    接线范围 Wire Range [AWG]
    耐电压 Dielectric Voltage-Withstand


    Technical data-IEC


    过电压类别 Overvoltage Category
    污染等级 Contamination Class
    3 2 2
    额定电压 Rated Voltage [V]
    400 630 1000
    额定电流 Rated Current [A]
    20 20 20
    额定冲击电压 Impulse withstand voltage [KV]
    6 6 6
    导线截面积[硬/柔] Conductor cross section [mm²]


    Material information


    绝缘材料 Insulation Material
    阻燃等级 Flame relardant rating
    导体材料 Conductor Material
    Copper alloy
    导体表面镀层 Plating of conductor surface
    Sn plated


    General parameters


    间距/极数 Pitch/Poles [mm]/[P]
    剥线长度 Stripping Length [mm]
    螺丝/扭矩 Screw/Torque(Max)[N.m]
    工作温度 Operating temperature [℃]
    焊锡温度 Soldering temperature
    引针尺寸 Pin dimensions [mm]
    PCB板孔径 PCB Hole Diameter [mm]


    Dimensional drawings



    PCB cut-out diagram



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